ISO 9001 Certified
ISO 14001 Certified
Insured globally
QualSafe Awards Registered Training Centre
JOSCA Registered
Strict ethical standards
Our values
AKE International may operate in dangerous and difficult environments, where the governance is sometimes unclear and infrastructure under-developed. In view of this we have developed a code of conduct, to ensure all staff, clients and associates are clear about the values and standards to which we must adhere. We have a strict compliance policy helping to ensure our employees uphold the highest standards of behaviour. This is monitored through tightly controlled reporting and external independent auditing.
It is our policy that there can be no compromises with our standards of behaviour, integrity or values in the way we operate. We respect at all times the authority of the host nation. All company activity will adhere to international and national laws in line with the ‘International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers’ (ICCPSSP) and the ‘Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights’ (VPSHR), (with references drawn from Human Rights standards including UDHR and IHL), and be consistent in its respect for human rights and dignity of local communities, local customs and traditions and the environment.
The wider consequences of our involvement are always carefully considered before approving contracts and ongoing throughout operations. We place the highest value on integrity and professionalism whilst exercising due diligence prior to engaging in any task and working in a lawful, transparent and accountable manner.
The Code provides the standard against which to judge all intended and unintended consequences of our activities. Failure to follow our codes may not only expose AKE International to unnecessary professional and corporate risk, but will be regarded as a serious disciplinary and/or contractual offence.
Code of Conduct
We will adhere to the highest standards of conduct wherever we operate
We will respect and adhere to the local and international laws as defined by the ISCPSSP and VPSHR
We will respect human rights and the dignity of local communities, customs, traditions and the environment in which we operate
We operate with integrity and professionalism, working in a lawful, transparent and accountable manner