What is the AKE Community?
We have created the AKE Community to provide members with exclusive access to a wealth of regular geopolitical updates, analysis and commentary on the most salient security, political and economic risks globally.
This includes weekly, monthly and quarterly reports, webinars and in-person events.
As a member you will also receive discounts on our flagship products, including bespoke analysis, Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) courses and Global Intake, our country risk platform.
You will be the first to hear about developments, whether that is an upcoming event, a new training course or publication. For example, you will have access to insights from the people that make our team, their recommendations on books, resources and more.
The AKE Community will evolve to meet your needs so that we can continue to deliver products and services that exceed expectations and offer value to all our members.
Why should I join?
As a member, you will be emailed regular reports and briefings and access to member only-content on our website simply by logging in.
At just just £50 for a whole year (or £6 a month/ £30 for students), the AKE Community is both cost and time effective - a single source of affordable and expert security, political and economic risk analysis accessible to all.