About us
For over three decades, we have been enabling our clients across multiple sectors to make informed decisions, operate and invest safely.
About us
At AKE, we are not just another ‘boots on the ground’ security company. With 30 years of experience operating in some of the world’s most hostile environments, we have developed a range of operating models and best practice solutions to ensure the complete safety and security of our clients and their operations.
Our 4-2-1 Risk Model
Our security capability and services framework is based on an integrated solutions approach applying our 4-2-1 Risk Model.

This model provides us with a framework to assess, mitigate and eliminate inherent safety and security ‘Risk’ against our clients and their operations by:
- Assessing potential ‘Threats’ to our clients and the ‘Vulnerability’ of our clients to such threats.
- Understanding the ‘Intention’ and ‘Capability’ of the parties posing the threats.
- Factoring causative factors such as the ‘Predictability’ of our clients and enabling ‘Control Measures’ that can be used to minimise or counter any such assessed threat.
We devised our three-pillar services based on this framework to ensure an integrated approach to risk reduction:
Our Tier 1 Special Forces-enabled Mitigation pillar provides a range of specialist services or control measures to decrease or eliminate threats against our clients.
Our intelligence and analytical services allow us to provide assessments on a range of international and local security, political, economic and safety risks, as well as quantifying potential threats and how vulnerable our clients are to them.
Our market-leading training courses are designed to equip our clients with the knowledge and capability to plan, understand and respond to potential threats – thereby reducing their predictability and decreasing their vulnerability.
These integrated services provide a best practice framework to ensure we deliver the best risk mitigation solutions to our clients, enabling them to evolve from a reactive position to one of controlled and measured response in the face of potential threats or danger.
Our history
Since 1990, AKE has delivered analysis, training and security services for organisations operating and investing in challenging environments worldwide. For 30 years we have delivered projects in over 62 countries, and we remain committed to helping our customers work safely, securely and efficiently anywhere in the world.
Our Hostile Environment Training (HET) courses were the first courses specifically designed for professionals working in hostile environments. They have become the benchmark for many industries preparing their personnel for overseas deployment. AKE is the only commercial organisation that operates its own purpose-built HET facility with onsite luxury accommodation and dining.
For over a decade, AKE has worked closely on risk understanding and quantification perspective with the insurance industry, including leading Lloyds of London syndicates. AKE provides unrivalled political risk and security consultancy that takes an objective and assessable approach to risk. We understand that clients sometimes need to operate in risky or dangerous environments. Our experience enables us to quantify such risk, as opposed to a blanket ‘do not travel’ approach from mainstream government and other advisories.
AKE is part of the ROCAM International group of companies. ROCAM International was founded in Singapore in 2008 to provide asset protection, security risk management consultancy and training services to a global client base, supplemented by specialist vehicles, manned guarding and investigations subsidiaries. As part of the ROCAM group, AKE has a global footprint, and an enhanced ability to deliver world-class risk management services.
Our team
The AKE team is a unique mix of former Tier 1 special forces operators. They have an unmatched skillset developed and tested in major conflict zones. Our team includes former senior police officers, close protection and crisis management specialists, counter terrorism practitioners, critical care paramedics, accredited trainers, political and security risk analysts, economists, lawyers, and academics. They are dedicated to analysing, preparing for and responding to political and security risks, allowing our clients to operate sustainably in challenging environments and emerging markets. Our team’s strong management experience, combined with adherence to our strict ethical standards, ensures seamless service regardless of industry or location.
Quality and compliance
Our 30 year history is underpinned by our commitment to upholding the highest standards of quality, ethics and corporate governance no matter where we work.
- ISO 9001 Certified
- ISO 14001 Certified
- ISO 45001 Certified
- Insured globally
- QualSafe Awards Registered Training Centre
- JOSCAR Registered
- Strict ethical standards
Our values
AKE International sometimes operate in dangerous and difficult environments, where the governance is sometimes unclear and infrastructure under-developed. We have therefore developed a code of conduct to ensure all staff, clients and associates are clear about the values and standards to which we must adhere. We have a strict compliance policy, helping to ensure our employees uphold the highest standards of behaviour. This is monitored through tightly controlled reporting and external independent auditing.
It is our policy that AKE’s behavioural standards, integrity and values should never be compromised in the way we operate. We respect at all times the authority of the host nation. All company activity adheres to international and national laws, in line with the ‘International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers’ (ICCPSSP) and the ‘Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights’ (VPSHR), (with references drawn from Human Rights standards including UDHR and IHL). All company activity will be consistent in its respect for human rights and the dignity of local communities, local customs, traditions and the environment.
The wider consequences of our involvement are always carefully considered before approving contracts and continue to be evaluated throughout operations. We place the highest value on integrity and professionalism whilst exercising due diligence prior to engaging in any task. We work in a lawful transparent and accountable manner.
The code of conduct provides the standard against which we judge all intended and unintended consequences of our activities. Failure to follow the code of conduct may not only expose AKE International to unnecessary professional and corporate risk, but will also be regarded as a serious disciplinary and/ or contractual offence.
Code of conduct
We will adhere to the highest standards of conduct wherever we operate.
We will respect and adhere to the local and international laws as defined by the ISCPSSP and VPSHR.
We will respect human rights and the dignity of local communities, customs, traditions and the environment in which we operate.
We operate with integrity and professionalism, working in a lawful, transparent and accountable manner.