AKE’s award winning training services set the benchmark for travel safety, medical and hostile environment training.
We have developed a comprehensive portfolio of training services that encompasses a wide spectrum of risk management issues. We constantly challenge the status quo and value the differences that we make.
Our training team has a breadth of knowledge and considerable operational experience in high-risk and complex environments, worldwide. This specialist knowledge helps us deliver interactive, realistic training scenarios that enhances the learning experience and ensures our students are well-equipped to manage a variety of risks in challenging environments.
Bespoke training solutions
Effective training depends on knowing what is required for your staff and the organisation as a whole. Budgets are being scrutinised, organisations need to ensure that the resources invested in training, are targeted at the right areas and that the training delivered, provides a positive return on the investment. AKE's bespoke training packages offer clients a cost effective and targeted solution, that meets their exact requirements. For more information, please contact us.
Course portfolio
Our stand alone training courses are designed to assist individuals and teams to prepare for and manage risk whilst travelling to and working in, complex and sometimes hostile environments. Select a course for more detail, find an upcoming course date, or contact us to find out more. AKE's courses are designed to:
Suit varied learning styles
Delivered through a mixture of lectures, discussion groups, workshops and practical simulations and exercises.
Be interactive and progressive
Courses are progressive and interactive in nature, culminating in a series of challenging and realistic scenario exercises.
Delivered globally
Regularly scheduled courses are held at training centres in the UK, also available in the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore and Thailand.
Designed to assist individual journalists, media teams, NGO’s and corporate clients to prepare for and manage risk whilst travelling to and working in complex and potentially hostile situations. The programme is delivered through a mixture of lectures, discussion groups, workshops and practical simulations and exercises to suit varied learning styles, with particular focus on preparation and planning, threat identification & risk mitigation strategies, self-sufficiency, situational awareness and trauma management.
- Planning and preparation
- Security, communications and contingency planning
- Personal preparation and security
- Travel safety
- Ballistic awareness and protection
- Navigation
- Public disorders
- Improvised and purpose-built explosive devices
- Explosive remnants of war
- Working with conventional and non-conventional forces
- Kidnap avoidance and captivity survival
- Information security
- Working in disaster zones
- Scene safety
- Casualty care under fire
- Self help
- Extraction techniques
- Buddy / Buddy system
- Triage
- Minimising the risk of infection
- Mechanism of injury
- Casualty assessment
- Primary survey
- Circulation and haemorrhage control
- Airway management and cervical spine control
- Basic life support
- Breathing and chest Injuries
- Neurological status
- Burns Management
- Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Climatic medical emergencies
- Medical emergencies
- Road traffic collision
- Effectively plan and prepare for assignment in potentially hostile and remote environments
- Identify significant threats to personal safety
- Develop personal security and awareness techniques to mitigate the risk
- Provide lifesaving and immediate medical care in hostile and challenging environments.
- AKE certification valid for 3 years
- Qualsafe Emergency First Aid at Work certification valid for 3 years
- AKE Aide Memoire
The events of the past decade have provided an unequivocal mandate for individual journalists, media teams, NGO’s and corporate clients to prepare for and manage the risks in a rapidly changing threat environment. It is vitally important that your skill set remains current; the 3-Day HET Refresher is designed to maintain and update the key security & medical principles previously taught.
- Identifying the threat
- Planning for the task
- Personal security
- Travel / journey management principles
- Surviving captivity
- Weapons systems
- UXO (unexploded ordnance) and IED’s (improvised explosive devices)
- Personal protective equipment
- Managing conflict
- Navigation
- Cultural awareness and gender-specific considerations
- Information security
- First Aid
- Road traffic collisions (RTC)
- Ballistic injuries
- Basic life support
- Health and hygiene
- Effectively plan and prepare for assignment in potentially hostile and remote environments
- Identify significant threats to personal safety
- Develop personal security and awareness techniques to mitigate the risk
- Provide lifesaving and immediate medical care in hostile and challenging environments
- AKE certification valid for 3 years
- AKE Aide memoire
AKE International’s Working in Hostile Regions course is designed to assist individuals, teams and organisations to prepare for and manage risk whilst living and working in, complex and sometimes hostile environments. The programme is delivered through a mixture of lectures, discussion groups, workshops and practical simulations and exercises to suit varied learning styles. It is progressive and interactive in nature, culminating in a series of challenging and realistic scenario exercises.
- Oil & Gas
- NGO’s
- International Aid
- Charitable Organisations
- Identifying the threat
- Assignment planning
- Personal security & safety
- Travel risk management principles
- Kidnap avoidance & captivity survival
- Weapons and effects
- ERM (explosive remnants of war) and IED’s (improvised explosive devices)
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Managing conflict
- Navigation
- Cultural awareness and gender-specific considerations
- Information security
- First Aid
- Road traffic collisions (RTC)
- Ballistic injuries
- Climatic medical emergencies
- Basic life support
- Health and hygiene
- Effectively plan and prepare for working in potentially hostile and remote environments
- Identify significant threats to personal safety
- Develop personal security and awareness techniques to mitigate the risk
- Provide lifesaving and immediate medical care in hostile and challenging environments
- Operate effectively for extended periods of time in challenging and remote environments
AKE International’s Travel Safety courses are designed to address the significant security and safety risks faced by overseas travellers. It raises general awareness, and equips delegates with the knowledge and skills to identify threats and mitigate the associated risks that present themselves whilst travelling to and working overseas.
- Preparation and planning
- Threat identification and risk mitigation strategies
- Self-sufficiency
- Cultural and situational awareness
- Health risks reduction.
- Effectively plan and prepare for overseas travel
- Identify significant threats to personal safety
- Employ personal security and awareness techniques that effectively mitigate risk
AKE International’s online travel safety course has been designed to assist individuals and teams to prepare for and manage risk whilst travelling to and working in potentially challenging and unfamiliar environments. Enabling organisations to achieve and demonstrate duty of care and meet corporate compliance requirements for international travel.
AKE International’s Contractors on Deployed Operations (CONDO) courses are designed to assist individuals and teams prepare for and manage risk whilst travelling to, living and working in potentially complex and hostile environments, in support of the UK’s Ministry of Defence’s deployed operations.
The programme is delivered through a mixture of lectures, discussion groups, workshops, practical simulations and exercises to suit varied learning styles.
- Effectively plan and prepare for deployments in support of the military in potentially hostile and remote environments
- Identify significant threats to personal safety
- Develop personal security and awareness techniques to mitigate the assessed risk
- Provide lifesaving and immediate medical care in hostile and challenging environments
- AKE certification valid for 1 year
- AKE Aide memoire
- 1 Day CONDO Refresher
- 2 Day CONDO
- 3 Day High Risk CONDO
A crisis can hit at any time and it is vitally important that your business is prepared for the potential impact of a catastrophic event. We work with our client’s crisis management teams; to train and test their preparedness through scenario based training and exercises.
AKE have designed a suite of modules to enable organisations to prepare for and manage a crisis should one occur.
On successful completion of the course, delegates will receive a:
On successful completion of the course, delegates will receive a:
On successful completion of the course, delegates will receive a:
Learners must be at least 17 years old on the first day of the training. There are no other formal entry requirements, but to benefit from the learning it is recommended that learners have a minimum of Level 2 in literacy and numeracy or equivalent.
- AKE certification valid for 3 years
- AKE aide memoire
- Complimentary trial of AKE’s online intelligence portal Global Intake
Course dates
Book a place on our regularly scheduled hostile environment and travel safety training courses.
Specialist equipment and clothing
AKE is a worldwide distributor of specialist equipment & clothing, including bags, packs, portable & solar chargers, clothing and other accessories.
Bespoke training
Specialists in design and delivery of bespoke training packages; our bespoke training courses are designed to meet the specific requirements of your organisation.