Special Reports

  • AKE Special Report – The Jamal Khashoggi Affair and US-Saudi Relations
    The Jamal Khashoggi Affair and US-Saudi Relations Key sectors: oil & gas; defence Key risks: sanctions; non-granting of export licences; oil pr...
    25 October 2018
  • Political Risk Outlook Q3 2018 – Ones to Watch
    AKE's Political Risk Outlook Special Report contains a selection of five countries from around the world where the political landscape was fundamental...
    16 October 2018
  • AKE Special Report – The Sino-US Trade War
    The Sino-US Trade War The trade war between the United States (US) and China has been on the horizon for several months as Washington became increasin...
    22 September 2018
  • AKE Special Report – Bangladesh August 2018 Protests
    Over the last week, Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka was brought to a standstill by major protests. The protests escalated on 4 August, with groups linked...
    08 August 2018
  • Political Risk Outlook H2 2018 – Ones to Watch
    AKE's Political Risk Outlook Special Report contains a selection of five countries from around the world where the political landscape has been fundam...
    19 July 2018
  • Political Risk Outlook Q2 2018 – Ones to Watch
    The political landscape in several countries has been upended over the past year and the months ahead are set to be no less turbulent.  AKE's Intelli...
    15 March 2018
  • AKE Special Report: China’s 19th National Congress and the Economy
    The 19th National Party Congress and China’s EconomyWhile the Communist Party’s quinquennial National Congress is the biggest event in the Chinese...
    19 January 2018
  • AKE Special Report: Public – Private Partnerships in Latin America
    Date published: 20/09/2017 Analysis of the environment for PPP projects in Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina Public – Private Partnerships (PPP...
    20 September 2017
  • AKE Special Report: Threats to Business Travellers
    Business travel security is becoming increasingly unpredictable. Whether you are travelling overseas for business or pleasure, there will be factors t...
    30 August 2017
  • AKE Special Report: Africa’s August Elections
    Date published: 20/07/2017A democratic test for Rwanda, Kenya and AngolaIn August 2017 the citizens of Rwanda, Kenya and Angola head to the polls to v...
    20 July 2017
  • AKE Special Report: Journalist Security in Hostile Environments
    Journalist security in hostile environmentsJournalists travelling to hostile regions to cover conflict and humanitarian crises, or to expose corruptio...
    20 June 2017
  • Special Report: A state captured? Prospects for South Africa in 2017
    Special Report: A state captured? Prospects for South Africa in 2017
    A year is a long time in politics, and 2016 marked a number of watershed moments in South Africa’s democratic history. Political risk has steadily m...
    25 January 2017