- United States: Boeing’s jumbo problem
United States: Boeing’s jumbo problem
Key sectors: aviation Key risks: debt; losses The Boeing Company, one of the world’s two largest airplane manufacturers, faces serious problems. In ... Ones to Watch, 27 January 2020
Americas: Argentina to speed up debt restructuring talks Sectors: all Key Risks: sovereign default; policy continuity In Argentina, the Economy Minist...- Russia: Much ado about Moscow
Russia: Much ado about Moscow
Key sectors: all Key risks: political stability; civil unrest; economic Since 15 January Russia has experienced a tumultuous series of political event... - Ones to Watch, 20 January 2020
Ones to Watch, 20 January 2020
Americas: Peru’s 26 January legislative elections aimed at ending months of political turmoil Sectors: all Key Risks: political stability; policy co... - Venezuela: The Guaido-Maduro showdown intensifies
Venezuela: The Guaido-Maduro showdown intensifies
Key sectors: all Key risks: political instability; sanctions; governability; civil unrest On 5 January Nicolas Maduro’s regime moved to seize contro... - Ones to Watch, 13 January 2020
Ones to Watch, 13 January 2020
Americas: Brazil’s Vale secures US$3bln syndicated loan despite looming criminal charges Sectors: mining Key Risks: business risks; criminal charges... Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan: Iran crisis threatens its northern Eurasian neighbours
Key sectors: all Key risks: trade disruption; refugee crisis; energy market disruption; conflict The dramatic assassination of Islamic Revolutionary G...Political Risk Outlook Q4 2019 – Ones to Watch
AKE’s Special Report examines the security environment in Hong Kong SAR after several weeks of violent protests triggered by a proposed extradition ...- AKE Ones to Watch, 6 January 2020
AKE Ones to Watch, 6 January 2020
Americas: Bolivia’s general election rerun to be held on 3 May Sectors: all Key Risks: political stability; policy continuity; violent unrest In Bol... - Ones to Watch, 30 September 2019
Ones to Watch, 30 September 2019
Americas: Venezuela’s Maduro asks Brazil to hand over five suspects for raid against military post Sectors: all Key Risks: bilateral and diplom... - Ones to Watch, 23 December
Ones to Watch, 23 December
Americas: Oil production launched at Stabroek block’s Liza field offshore Guyana Sectors: oil & gas Key Risks: business; economic risks In G... - Americas: IMF to unlock funds as revised tax reform approved in Ecuador Sectors: all Key Risks: non-payment; policy continuity; governability In Ecu...